Hong Kong


Fédération Gabonaise                      P:      NKOGHE-ESSINGONEde Football                             V:      LAMINE Diop Dr

B.P. 181                                S:      MANGOLLO-M'VOULOU Robert

LIBREVILLE                              T:      ENGONGA Alain

                                        a)      Green/Yellow/Blue

T:      +241 73 04 60                   b)      Blue/Yellow/Blue

C:      FEGAFOOT Libreville             c)      White, tricolour trims

X:      5526 GO

F:      +241 74 60 47                   F:      1962

L:      F                               A:      1963

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Gambia Football Association             P:      CONATEH Ousman B., Alhadjie

Independence Stadium                    V:      SOSSEH Gabbi, Alhadjie

Bakau, P.O. Box 523                     S:      JITTEH Allasana S.K.

BANJUL                                  T:      MOUSA Momodou

                                        a)      White, with striped band

T:      220/49 69 80                    b)      White

C:      Sports Gambia Banjul            c)      White with red tops

X:      2262 fisco gv

F:      220/39 49 62                    F:      1952

L:      E                               A:      1966

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Football Fed. of Georgia                P:      AKHALKATSI Nodar

5, Shota Iamanidze str.                 V:      CHIVADZE Aleksander

380012 TBILISI                          S:      KVINIKADZE David

                                        T:      -

                                        a)      White

T:      995-8832/96 07 50               b)      Black

C:      -                               c)      Cherry

X:      -

F:      49-5151/13 086                  F:      1990

L:      E                               A:      1992

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Deutscher Fussball-Bund                 P:      BRAUN Egidius

P.O. Box 71 02 65                       V:      MAYER-VORFELDER Gerhard

D-60492 FRANKFURT AM MAIN               S:      SCHMIDT Horst R.

                                        T:      SCHMIDT Karl

                                        a)      White

T:      49-69/67 88 0                   b)      Black

C:      Fussball Frankfurt              c)      White

X:      416 815 dfb d

F:      49-69/67 88 266                 F:      1900

L:      D,E,F                           A:      1904

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Ghana Football Association              P:      BREW-BUTLER Samuel Nana

P.O. Box 1272                           V:      JAWULA M.N.D., Alhaji

ACCRA                                   S:      OSAM-DUODU Fred

                                        T:      -

                                        a)      Yellow

T:      233-21/66 66 97                 b)      Yellow

C:      GFA Accra                       c)      Yellow

X:      2519 sports gh

F:      233-21/66 85 90                 F:      1957

L:      E                               A:      1958

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Hellenic Football Federation            P:      TRIVELLAS Konstantinos

Singrou Avenue 137                      V:      DEDES Georges, Dr.

GR-17121 ATHENS                         S:      THOMAIDIS George

                                        T:      TSEBERAKIS Labros

                                        a)      White

T:      30-1/933 8850                   b)      Blue

C:      Football Athens                 c)      White

X:      215328 epo gr

F:      30-1/935 9666                   F:      1926

L:      E,F                             A:      1927

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Grenada Football Association            P:      SMITH Roberts ASP

P.O. Box 326                            V:      KELLY Patrick

St. Juilles Street                      S:      PHILLIP Carl

ST. GEORGE'S                            T:      -

                                        a)      Green and yellow stripes

T:      +1 (809) 440.1022               b)      Red

C:      Grenball Grenada                c)      Yellow

X:      3431 cw bur

F:      +1 (809) 440.2234               F:      1924

L:      E                               A:      1976

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Guam Soccer Association         P:      WEGNER Carl

P.O. Box 5093                   V:      BUSH Dave

AGAÑA                           S:      CUNLIFFE Randy

                                T:      AL-KAYISI Reshat


T:      +671 472.5523           b)      C:                              c)      X:      F:      +671 477.5424           F:      L:      E                       A:      

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Federación Nacional de Fútbol             P:      Lic. Rolando Piñeda Lam

de Guatemala                            V:      -

12 Calle 4-09, Tercer Nivel, Zona 9     S:      Lic. Hugo Hernandez Cane

01009 Ciudad de Guatemala,              T:      Lic. Marco Antonio Fión

                                        a)      White/Blue diagonal stripe

T:      502-2/60 09 08, 60 09 28        b)      Blue

C:      Fenafutg Guatemala C.A.         c)      White

X:      3195 petrogu

F:      502-2/60 09 18                  F:      1946

L:      S                               A:      1946

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Fédération Guinéenne                       P:      SAKHO Baba, Dr

de Football                             V:      SALIFOU Camara

P.O. Box 3645                           S:      ALY BANGOURA Altafini

CONAKRY                                 T:      TOURE Kélétigui

                                        a)      Red

T:      224/46 27 82                    b)      Yellow

C:      Guinefoot Conakry               c)      Green

X:      22302 mj ge

F:      224/41 36 73                    F:      1959

L:      F                               A:      1961

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Federação de Futebol da                   P:      VIEGAS Augusto B., Dr.

Guiné-Bissau                             V:      LOBO DE PINA José G.

Rua 4 No. 10-C, C.P. 375                S:      INDJAI Ansumane

1035 BISSAU - CODEX                     T:      MENDES Candido

                                        a)      Red

T:      245/21 38 30                    b)      Red

C:      Futebol Bissau                  c)      Red

X:      250 publico by

F:      245/20 19 18                    F:      1974

L:      F,S                             A:      1986

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Guyana Football Association             P:      KLASS Colin

Lot 65 King Street                      V:      CALLENDER Winston

P.O. Box 10727                          S:      ERSKINE Colin

GEORGETOWN                              T:      THOMAS Kenneth

                                        a)      Green

T:      +592 (2) 62.641                 b)      Green

C:      -                               c)      Yellow


F:      +592 (2) 62.641                 F:      1902

L:      E                               A:      1968

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Fédération Haïtienne                 P:      JEAN MARY Kyss, Dr.

de Football                             V:      HYPPOLITE Jean Marie

c/o Comité Olympique Haïtien                S:      JEAN Elie

PORT-AU-PRINCE                          T:      KENOL Jean

                                        a)      Blue and red

T:      509/46 45 09                    b)      Blue

C:      Fedhafoob Port-au-Prince        c)      Blue and red

X:      -

F:      509/46 22 11                    F:      1904

L:      F                               A:      1933

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Federación Nacional Autónoma              P:      ABUDOJ Frixione Jorge

de Fútbol de Honduras                    V:      BALI CASTILLO Daniel, Gral.

Apartado Postal 827                     S:      OCHOA Cordova Roberto

Costa Oeste del Est. Nac.               T:      CARRANZA José António


                                        a)      Blue

T:      504/31 14 32/6                  b)      White

C:      Fenafuth Tegucigalpa            c)      Blue

X:      -

F:      504/31 14 28                    F:      1951

L:      S,E                             A:      1951

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Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Football                  P:      FOK Henry Y.T., Dr.

Association Ltd.                        V:      LAM Kin-ming

55 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin           S:      YUEN Vincent M.C.

Kowloon                                 T:      YU Miranda, S.F.


                                        a)      Red

T:      852/2712 9122                   b)      White

C:      Football Hong Kong              c)      Red

X:      40518 fahkg hx

F:      852/2760 4303                   F:      1914

L:      E                               A:      1954

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Hungarian Football Federation           P:      LACZKO Mihály Dr.

Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség            V:      MEZEY György

Királyok útja 141 - 143                 S:      CZÉKUS Lajos (ad interim)

H-1039 BUDAPEST                         T:      CZÉKUS Lajos

                                        a)      Red

T:      +36 (1) 430 8351/52             b)      White

C:      MLSZ Budapest Népstadion c)      Green

X:      225782 mlsz h

F:      +36 (1) 430 8353                F:      1901

L:      E,D                             A:      1906

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