Korea DPR
Korea Republic


The Football Association of             P:      SEGIZBAEV Timur

the Republic of Kazakhstan              V:      ORDABAEV Kuralbek

44, Abai Street                         S:      -

480072 ALMATY                           T:      GURMAN Mihail

                                        a)      Yellow

T:      327-2/67 44 72                  b)      Yellow

C:      -                               c)      Yellow

X:      251347 trek su

F:      327-2/67 18 85                  F:      1914

L:      E                               A:      1994

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Kenya Football Federation               P:      ONYANGO OMINO Joab Henry

Nyayo National Stadium                  V:      TARAR LAGAT Francis

P.O. Box 40234                          S:      OBINGO Sammy Joel

NAIROBI                                 T:      KOOR Noordinne Taib

                                        a)      Red, Green, White

T:      254-2/50 18 25/35               b)      Red, Green, Black

C:      KEFF Nairobi                    c)      Red, Green, Black

X:      24069 spicers ke

F:      254-2/50 11 20                  F:      1960

L:      E                               A:      1960

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Korea DPR

Football Association of the             P:      CHOE RYONG HAE

Democrat.People's Rep.of Korea          V:      KIM GWANG HO

Kumsong-dong 2                          S:      LI CHANG SON

Mangyongdae District                    T:      LI CHANG SON


                                        a)      White

T:      850-2/81 41 64                  b)      White

C:      DPR Korea Football Pyongyang    c)      White

X:      5472 kp

F:      850-2/81 44 03                  F:      1945

L:      E                               A:      1958

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Korea Republic

Korea Football Association              P:      CHUNG Mong Joon, Dr.

110-39, Kyeonji-Dong                    V:      OH, Wan-Kon

Chongro-Ku                              S:      KIM, Jung Nam

SEOUL                                   T:      -

                                        a)      White

T:      82-2/733 6764                   b)      Blue

C:      Footballkorea Seoul             c)      White

X:      kfasel k 25373

F:      82-2/735 2755                   F:      1928

L:      E                               A:      1948

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Kuwait Football Association             P:      SKH. AHMAD FAHAD A. AL-SABAH

P.O. Box 2029                           V:      SHK. AHMAD YOUSEF S. AL-SABAH

13021 SAFAT                             S:      MOHAMMAD O.M.T. AL-FAILAKAWI

                                        T:      JEDEA MEZYED AL-DAAMY

                                        a)      Blue

T:      965/255 5851                    b)      White

C:      Foot Kuwait                     c)      Blue

X:      22600 kt

F:      965/254 9955                    F:      1952

L:      E                               A:      1962

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Football Association of                 P:      MURALIEV Amangeldi

Kyrgyz Republic                         V:      JUMABAEV Burkan

Togolok Moldo Street 17                 S:      BERDYBEKOV K.

720033 BISHKEK                          T:      -

                                        a)      Red

T:      331-2/26 17 52                  b)      White

C:      -                               c)      Red

X:      251239 salam su

F:      331-2/22 79 54                  F:      1992

L:      E                               A:      1994

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