1. lf a player accidentally passes over one of the boundary lines of the field of play, is he considered to have left the field of play without the permission of the referee?


  2. If a player in possession of the ball passes over the touch-line or the goal-line without the ball in order to beat an opponent, should the referee penalise him for leaving the field of play without permission?

    No. Going outside the field of play may be considered as part of a playing movement, but players are expected, as a general rule, to remain within the playing-area.

  3. Is it permissible for a goal-keeper to take a throw-in?


  4. May an expelled player stay on the substitutes' bench?

    No. An expelled player shall return to the dressing room.

  5. In the 20th minute of the second half, a team with only seven players is penalised by the award of a penalty-kick and as a consequence one of their players is expelled, leaving only six in the team.
    Should the referee allow the penalty-kick to be taken or should he abandon the match before taking the kick?

    The game must be abandoned without allowing the penalty-kick to be taken, unless the National Association has decided otherwise with regard to the minimum number of players.
    In the opinion of the International FA. Board, a match should not be considered valid if there are fewer than seven players in either of the teams.

  6. What action should a referee take if a substitute, who is not participating in the game, runs onto the field and kicks an opponent?

    The referee must stop the game, order the substitute from the field, restart the game by dropping the ball at the place where it was when play was stopped, unless the ball was within the goal-area at that time, in which case it shall be dropped on that part of the goal-area line which runs parallel to the goal-line at the point nearest to where the ball was when play was stopped. The substitute will not be allowed to take any part subsequently in the match and must also be reported to the appropriate authority.

  7. If, before the start of a match played under the rules of a competition, a player is replaced by a substitute without the referee having been notified, may this substitute continue to participate in the game?

    Yes, provided Law III, 2 (c) ("a team shall not be permitted to use more than three substitutes in any match") is complied with.

  8. Is a substitute considered to be a member of the team at the moment he enters the field of play or when the referee restarts the game?

    The substitution is completed when the substitute enters the field of play, provided the game has been stopped, the player being replaced has left the field and the referee has signalled his permission for the substitute to enter the field of play at the half-way line.

  9. The Board is of the opinion that a match cannot be considered as normal if one of the teams is playing with less than 7 players. In a competition where such a limitation applies, a team consisting of 11 players is playing against a team with only 7. When the team consisting of 11 players is about to take a shot at goal one of the players of the team of 7 deliberately leaves the field of play.

    9.1. Does the referee have to apply the advantage clause if he realises the deliberate misconduct of the player who has left the field?


    9.2. If a goal is scored must he allow it?


    9.3. Should the game be abandoned when the player leaves the field of play?

    No, but if he fails to return for the kick-off after the goal is scored, the game must be abandoned and the player reported to the appropriate authority.

  10. If a player who is about to be replaced refuses to leave the field of play what action should the referee take?

    The referee must continue with the game. Either the team captain or a team official may intercede here but not the referee.

  11. In a competition in which the names of nominated substitutes are required to be given to the referee prior to the commencement of the match, the referee authorises a substitute who has not been nominated to enter the field of play and the latter scores a goal.

    11.1. Should this player be regarded as legal or illegal?

    The player must be regarded as illegal, in accordance with Law III, 2 (c).

    11.2. If this player is regarded as illegal, should there be a replay of the match for this reason?

    In accordance with the foregoing, it is the authority which is responsible for the organisation of the competition which has to decide on the second question, depending upon the rules of the competition.

  12. A substitute enters the field of play without having obtained the referee's permission. While the ball is in play an opponent punches him. What action should the referee take?

    The referee must stop play send off the player guilty of violent conduct, caution the substitute and restart the game by an indirect free-kick against the team of the substitute at the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the overriding conditions of Law XIII.

  13. Player No 8 is replaced by player No 12. Player No 8 leaves the field of play. Before player No 12 enters the field of play he strikes an opponent who is standing on the touch-line. What action should the referee take? Should he order player No 12 from the field without authorising the substitution? May the team in question replace player No 8 by another substitute since the offence of player No 12 was committed outside the touch-line before entering the field of play?

    Because of his violent conduct, player No 12 shall not be permitted to enter the field of play. Player No 8 may be replaced by another eligible substitute or may continue as a player since the substitution has not been completed. Moreover, the referee must mention this incident in his match report.

  14. A player sustains an injury during a match and the doctor informs the referee that it would be dangerous for the player to continue playing. Can the referee prohibit the player from continuing to play?

    It is not for the referee to decide whether an injured player should leave the game or not. Such a decision rests entirely on the officials of the team.

  15. The goalkeeper (No 1), whose hand has been injured, changes places with player No 7 without notifying the referee, just a few minutes before the end of the match. Both teams have already made their three legitimate substitutions and player No 7 has been cautioned. The ball is in play and player No 1 scores the winning goal for his team just as the normal time runs to an end. Immediately after the goal is scored, the referee blows the final whistle, without having been able to carry out the kick-off and without having been able to caution the offending players. What action should the referee take in this case?

    The referee must allow the goal, caution player No 1, send off payer No 7 (second caution) and signal for the end of the game. In the event that he was unable to administer the cautions before the end of time, he shall inform a team official about the misconduct of the two players and include details in his report to the appropriate authorities.

  16. A player changes places with the goalkeeper during half-time without informing the referee. The new goalkeeper who then enters the field of play touches the ball with his hand during the second half. What should be the referee's decision?

    a) Allow play to continue.
    b) Caution both players when the ball goes out of play.

  17. 17.1. According to the rules of a competition it is compulsory to give a list of the players including the names of the substitutes (total 16) before the match. One team gives the names of only nine players and five substitutes. The team Iines up nine players on the field. Two minutes later two further players appear, who wish to take part. Should they be prevented from taking part or should they be allowed to play?

    Although Law III would allow the players to take part, the rules of the competition must be applied. The rules, in this case, prohibit the two players from taking part.

    17.2. Referring to the same case, the team lines up 11 players, using two from the list of substitutes. After the arrival of the two players who were missing, they insist on the inclusion of their names in the list of substitutes. Can this request be complied with?

    In accordance with the answer given to question No 17.1., the two players will not be allowed to be listed as substitutes.

  18. A player being substituted leaves the field and the referee signals to the substitute to enter the field. Before entering, however he delivers a throw-in, ignoring the formalities mentioned under Law III, 5 (c) regarding entering the field. Is this permitted?

    No, the formalities mentioned under Law III, 5 (c) have first to be completed.

  19. The coaches, physiotherapists and officials who are allowed to sit on the substitutes' bench with the substitutes of their team infringe the Laws repeatedly by giving instructions from the edge of the field of play or interfere directly in the game by entering the field without the referee's permission, thus gaining an unfair advantage for their team. What action should the referee take?

    If the offending parties on the substitutes' bench interfere with play, the referee has the authority to remove them from the bench. He must report these incidents to the appropriate authorities.

  20. If no substitutes have been named and a player is sent off before play has begun, may the team which is affected complete the side with a player who subsequently arrives?

    The team may be completed with this player provided this is allowed by the rules of the competition.