British Virgin Isl.
Burkina Faso


Bahamas Football Association            P:      SEALEY Anton
P.O. Box N 8434                         V:      LUNN Fred
NASSAU, N.P.                            S:      HAVEN Lionel E.
                                        T:      VEGA Felipe

                                        a)      Yellow
T:      +1 (809) 323-3426/356-0915      b)      Black
C:      Bahsoca Nassau                  c)      Yellow
X:      -
F:      +1 (809) 328-8006               F:      1967
L:      E                               A:      1968

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Bahrain Football Association            P:      AL-KHALIFA Shaikh Moh. bin Isa
P.O. Box 5464                           V:      AL-KHALIFA Shk. Khalid bin K.
MANAMA                                  S:      HAMZA Abdulla A.Z.
                                        T:      AL-UMRAN Mazin A.

                                        a)      Red
T:      973/72 82 18                    b)      Red
C:      Bahkora Bahrain                 c)      Red
X:      9040 fab bn
F:      973/72 93 61                    F:      1957
L:      E                               A:      1966

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Bangladesh Football Federation          P:      HANIF Mohammad
Stadium                                 V:      AZIZUL HAQ, M
DHAKA 1000                              S:      AKMAL HOSSAIN, Shaikh
                                        T:      KHAIRUL ANWAR PEARU

                                        a)      Orange
T:      +880 (2) 955-5072/6329          b)      White
C:      Footbalfed Dhaka                c)      Green
X:      -
F:      +880 (2) 956-3419               F:      1972
L:      E                               A:      1974

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Barbados Football Association           P:      LAS CARIS George
P.O. Box 1362                           V:      BARROW Keith
BRIDGETOWN - WEST INDIES                S:      BECKLES Parrick I.
                                        T:      BAYLEY Ronald

                                        a)      Royal Blue and Gold
T:      1-809/425 4667                  b)      Gold
C:      Football Bridgetown             c)      White, Gold and Blue
X:      -
F:      1-809/429 2206                  F:      1910
L:      E                               A:      1968

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Belarus Football Association            P:      SHUNTOV Yevgeniy
8-2 Kyrov Str.                          V:      KURBYKO Yuri
220600 MINSK                            S:      ZHUK Vadim
                                        T:      GOLOVACHEVSKAYA Nadezhda

                                        a)      Green
T:      +375 (17) 27.23.25              b)      Red
C:      -                               c)      Green
X:      252175 athlet su
F:      +375 (17) 27.29.20              F:      1989
L:      E                               A:      1992

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Union Royale Belge des                  P:      D'HOOGHE Michel, Dr.
Sociétés de Football Assoc.               V:      VANDEN STOCK Roger
145 Avenue Houba de Strooper            S:      COURTOIS Alain
B-1020 BRUXELLES                        T:      LANDSHEERE Germain

                                        a)      Red
T:      32-2/477 1211                   b)      Red
C:      URBSFA Bruxelles                c)      Red
X:      23257 bvbfbf b
F:      32-2/478 2391                   F:      1895
L:      F                               A:      1904

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Belize National Football                P:      COURTNEY Delhart
Association                             V:      CAL Rafael
P.O. Box 1742                           S:      CHIMILIO Bertie, Dr.
BELIZE CITY                             T:      MATTHEWS Baxter

                                        a)      Red, White Blue
T:      501-2/30 641                    b)      Red, White, Blue
C:      -                               c)      Red
X:      -
F:      501-2/31 367                    F:      1980
L:      E                               A:      1986

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Fédération Béninoise                       P:      GBADAMASSI Moucharafou
de Football                             V:      ADJAGODO Martin
B.P. 965                                S:      GNANGUENON Paul
COTONOU                                 T:      ADJANOHOUN Basile

                                        a)      Green
T:      229/33 05 37                    b)      Green
C:      FEBEFOOT Cotonou                c)      Green
X:      5245 sonacop cotonou
F:      229/31 24 85                    F:      1962
L:      F,E                             A:      1962

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The Bermuda Football                    P:      THOMPSON Richard E.
Association                             V:      TYRRELL Neville
P.O. Box HM 745                         S:      SABIR David
HAMILTON HM CX                          T:      BASCOME Kent C.

                                        a)      Royal Blue
T:      1-809/295 2199                  b)      White
C:      Football Bermuda                c)      White
X:      3441 bfa ba
F:      1-809/295 0773                  F:      1928
L:      E                               A:      1962

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Federación Boliviana                     P:      SAAVEDRA BANZER José
de Fútbol                                V:      AÑEZ MOSCOSO Guido, Dr.
Av. Libertador Bolivar 1168             S:      CABALLERO ESPINOZA Javier, Ing
4to. Piso, Casilla 484                  T:      GUAMAN SORIA Mario, Ing.
                                        a)      Green with white borders
T:      591-42/44 982                   b)      White with green borders
C:      Fedfutbol Cochabamba            c)      Green
X:      6239 fedbol
F:      591-42/82 132                   F:      1925
L:      S,E                             A:      1926

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Bosnia and Herzegovina                  P:      PUSINA Jusuf
Football Federation                     V:      -
D. Ozme 7/III                           S:      MIOC Ivan
71000 SARAJEVO                          T:      -

T:      387-71/66 48 36                 b)
C:      -                               c)
X:      -
F:      387-71/67 07 39                 F:      0
L:      E                               A:      0

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Botswana Football Association           P:      GABORONE Olebile
P.O. Box 1396                           V:      OREBOTSE Joseph
GABORONE                                S:      MAMELODI Batlang Ashford
                                        T:      KEOKILWE Pako

                                        a)      Blue and white
T:      267-31/30 02 79                 b)      Blue/White/Black
C:      Botsball Gaborone               c)      Blue/White and black stripes
X:      2977 bd
F:      267-31/30 02 80                 F:      1970
L:      E                               A:      1976

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Confederação Brasileira                   P:      TEIXEIRA Terra Ricardo
de Futebol                              V:      LEAL NUNES Alfredo Alberto
Rua de Alfandega, 70                    S:      TEIXEIRA Marco António
P.O. Box 1078                           T:      SALIM José Carlos
20.070-001 RIO DE JANEIRO
                                        a)      Yellow with green collar/cuffs
T:      55-21/221 5937                  b)      Blue
C:      Desportos Rio de Janeiro        c)      White with green-yellow border
X:      21509 cbds br
F:      55-21/252 9294                  F:      1914
L:      S,F,E                           A:      1923

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British Virgin Islands

British Virgin Islands F.A.             P:      BICKERTON Andrew D.
P.O. Box 34                             V:      GRANT Kenrick
ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA                      S:      DENNIS Michael
                                        T:      CARR Irvin

T:      +1 (809) 494-3783/3360          b)      
C:                                      c)      
F:      +1 (809) 494-2220               F:      
L:      E                               A:      

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The Football Asociation of              P:      HUSSAIN YUSSOFF, Pehin Dato Hj
Brunei Darussalam                       V:      TAHIRUDDIN SAFIUDDIN, Pg An.Hj
P.O. Box 2010                           S:      MATUSIN MATASAN, Pengiran Haji
1920 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN                T:      MOHD. YUSSOFF BAHAR, Pg Haji

                                        a)      Yellow
T:      673-2/24 20 33                  b)      Black
C:      Bafa Brunei                     c)      Yellow
X:      bu 2575 attn:   BAFA
F:      673-2/24 22 67                  F:      1959
L:      E                               A:      1969

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Union Bulgare de Football               P:      DANOV Christo
Karnigradska 19                         V:      KOLEV Todor
BG-1000 SOFIA                           S:      JOSSIFOV Christo
                                        T:      -

                                        a)      White
T:      359-2/87 74 90                  b)      Green
C:      Bulfutbol Sofia                 c)      White
X:      23145 bfs bg
F:      359-2/80 32 37                  F:      1923
L:      D,F,E                           A:      1924

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Burkina Faso

Fédération Burkinabè                       P:      SOULEY Mohamed, Lt.Col.
de Foot-Ball                            V:      OUEDRAOGO Didier
01 B.P. 57                              S:      NIKIEMA Ferdinand
OUAGADOUGOU 0I                          T:      KAFANDO Simon

                                        a)      Red
T:      226/34 04 88                    b)      Green with yellow star
C:      Fedefoot Ouagadougou            c)      Red
X:      -
F:      226/34 04 89                    F:      1960
L:      F                               A:      1964

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Fédération de Football                    P:      MINANI Evariste
du Burundi                              V:      KIGALI Daniel
B.P. 3426                               S:      GAKWAVU André
BUJUMBURA                               T:      GATOGATO Emmanuel

                                        a)      Red
T:      257/21 28 91                    b)      White
C:      FFB BUJA                        c)      Green
X:      -
F:      257/21 28 91                    F:      1948
L:      F,E                             A:      1972

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