Papua New Guinea
Puerto Rico


Pakistan Football Federation            P:      MIAN MUHAMMAD AZHAR
183, Abu Bakar Block                    V:      ALI NAWAZ BALOCH
New Garden Town                         S:      GHULAM ABBAS BALOCH
LAHORE                                  T:      CH ZAKA-ULLAH

                                        a)      Green
T:      92-42/583 2786                  b)      White
C:      Football Lahore                 c)      Green
X:      47643 pff pk
F:      92-42/728 1541                  F:      1948
L:      E                               A:      1948

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Palestinian Football                    P:      -
Federation                              V:      -
P.O. Box 98                             S:      -
JERICHO                                 T:      -

T:                                      b)
C:      -                               c)
X:      -
F:      972-2/92 23 04                  F:      0
L:      E                               A:      0

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Asociación Nacional de                   P:      -
Fútbol de Panamá                  V:      TORRES José Manuel
Esquina de Via España y Ave. Justo Arosemena             S:      CASTILLO Víctor Luis, Lic.
Apartado Postal 3-391 Zona 8            T:      ROJAS Luis
                                        a)      Red
T:      507/225 4145                    b)      Blue
C:      -                               c)      White
X:      -
F:      507/225 4146                    F:      1937
L:      S                               A:      1938

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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Football               P:      MOMMERS Peter
(Soccer) Association Inc.               V:      PISE Gabriel
c/o National Sports Institute           S:      KUMBRUWAH Edirs A.
P.O. Box 337                            T:      COMBS Brenden
                                        a)      Red
T:      675/72 23 91                    b)      Black
C:      -                               c)      Red
X:      tototra ne 23436
F:      675/72 19 41                    F:      1962
L:      E                               A:      1963

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Liga Paraguaya de Fútbol         P:      HARRISON Oscar
Estadio de Sajonia                      V:      COLMAN RODRIGUEZ Antonio, Prof
Calles Mayor Martinez y Alejo Garcia    S:      FILARTIGA Candia Arturo
ASUNCION                                T:      ACHON GARCETE Oscar, Lic.

                                        a)      Red and white vertical stripes
T:      +595 (21) 480-120/21/23         b)      Blue
C:      -                               c)      Blue
X:      38009 py futbol
F:      +595 (21) 480-124/22            F:      1906
L:      S                               A:      1921

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Federación Peruana de Fútbol              P:      DELFINO PUCCINELLI Nicolás, Dr
Estadio Nacional / Puerta No.4          V:      DEZA FULLER Alfredo
Calle Jose Diaz                         S:      QUINTANA ARRAIZA Javier, Dr.
LIMA                                    T:      PASTOR AMPUERO Julio

                                        a)      White with red stripe
T:      51-14/33 70 70                  b)      White with red lines
C:      Fepefutbol Lima                 c)      White with red line
X:      20066 fepefut pe
F:      51-14/33 30 18                  F:      1922
L:      S,F,E                           A:      1924

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Philippine Football Federation          P:      TAN Ricardo L.
P.O. Box No. 4060                       V:      ISLETA Honesto M.
Makati CPO                              S:      MONFORT Christopher L.
MANILA                                  T:      YU Eladio

                                        a)      Blue and Red
T:      63-2/59 46 55                   b)      Blue
C:      Football Manila                 c)      White
X:      65014 poc paca pn
F:      63-2/58 77 24                   F:      1907
L:      E,S                             A:      1928

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Fédération Polonaise de                   P:      DZIUROWICZ Marian, Dr.
Football                                V:      -
Polski Zwiazek Pilki Noznej             S:      LISTKIEWICZ Michal
Al. Ujazdowskie 22                      T:      -
                                        a)      White
T:      +48 (22) 622-3398/621-1975      b)      Red
C:      Pezetpeen Warszawa              c)      White and Red
X:      825320 pzpn pl
F:      +48 (22) 629-2489                       F:      1919
L:      E,F                             A:      1923

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Federação Portuguesa de                   P:      VASQUES Vítor Manuel
Futebol                                 V:      RAMOS José Manuel Viegas
Praça de Alegria, N. 25                  S:      SEQUEIRA António Eduardo
C.P. 21.100                             T:      FERREIRA Lino Duarte da Silva
                                        a)      Red
T:      351-1/342 8207/8/9/0            b)      Green
C:      Futebol Lisboa                  c)      Red
X:      13489 fpf p
F:      351-1/346 7231                  F:      1914
L:      F                               A:      1923

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Puerto Rico

Federación Puertorriqueña         P:      RUSSI DILAN Luis, Dr.
de Fútbol                                V:      GOTAY Roberto
Coliseo Roberto Clemente                S:      VILLA NIELLA Juan Manuel
P.O. Box 194355                         T:      DE LEON Hector
HATO REY, P.R. 00919-4355
                                        a)      Vertical red and white stripes
T:      1-809/764 2025                  b)      Blue
C:      -                               c)      Blue and white
X:      0206 3450296
F:      1-809/764 2025                  F:      1940
L:      S,E                             A:      1960

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Qatar Football Association              P:      AL-THANI Sh. Saud Bin Khaled
P.O. Box 5333                           V:      AL-THANI Sh. Hassim Bin Faisal
DOHA                                    S:      ALKAABI Hamad Hajes
                                        T:      AL BUAINAIN Ahmed Abdul Aziz

                                        a)      White
T:      974/43 44 55                    b)      Maroon
C:      Footqatar Doha                  c)      White
X:      4749 qatfot dh
F:      974/41 16 60                    F:      1960
L:      E                               A:      1970

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Fédération Roumaine de                    P:      SANDU Mircea
Football                                V:      ALEXANDRU Valentin
Str. Poligrafiei 3, Sector 1            S:      KASSAI Adalbert
71556 BUCHAREST                         T:      ALBU Marian

                                        a)      Yellow
T:      40-1/222 9993                   b)      Yellow
C:      Sportrom Bucuresti - Fotbal     c)      Yellow
X:      10097 frf r
F:      40-1/222 6324                   F:      1909
L:      F,E                             A:      1930

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The Football Union of Russia            P:      KOLOSKOV Viacheslav, Dr.
Luzhnetskaya Naberezhnaja, 8            V:      SIMONIAN Nikita
119871 MOSCOW                           S:      RADIONOV Vladimir
                                        T:      TIMOFEYEVA Olga

                                        a)      White
T:      70-95/201 1637                  b)      Blue
C:      -                               c)      Red
X:      411287 priz su
F:      70-95/201 1303                  F:      1912
L:      E,F                             A:      0

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Fédération Rwandaise de                   P:      KAYIZARI César, Lt.Col.
Football Amateur                        V:      NTAYOMBA Alexis
B.P. 2000                               S:      ZITONI Pierre
KIGALI                                  T:      BIZIMANA Jean

                                        a)      Red, Green, Yellow
T:      250/82 605                      b)      Green
C:      Ferwafa Kigali                  c)      Red
X:      22504 public rw
F:      250/76 574                      F:      1972
L:      F                               A:      1976

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