United Arab Emirates
United States
Vietnam SR
Western Samoa


Federation of Uganda Football           P:      KAKAIRE Twaha N.
Associations                            V:      TUMWINE Wilson
P.O. Box 20077                          S:      RWANIKA Christopher
KAMPALA                                 T:      SSENTONGO Badru

                                        a)      Yellow with black stripes
T:      256-41/25 44 77                 b)      Black with yellow stripes
C:      FUFA Lugogo Stadium, Kampala    c)      Yellow and red
X:      61605
F:      256-41/25 83 50                 F:      1924
L:      E                               A:      1959

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Football Federation of Ukraine          P:      PUSTOVOITENKO Valery
Ulianovyh Str. 1                        V:      BANNIKOV Victor
P.O. Box 503                            S:      POPOV Anatolij
252150 KIEV                             T:      TUROVA Nataliya

                                        a)      Yellow/Blue
T:      +70 (44) 264 7298               b)      Blue
C:      -                               c)      Yellow
X:      631461 uff ux
F:      +70 (44) 264 7564               F:      1991
L:      E                               A:      1992

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United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Football           P:      ABDULLA bin Zayed A., H.H.Shk.
Association                             V:      AHMED SAIF BEL HASA
Post Box 916                            S:      IBRAHIM AL MAHMOUD
ABU DHABI                               T:      SULTAN BIN KHALFAN AL KATBI

                                        a)      White
T:      971-2/44 56 00                  b)      White
C:      Football Emirates Abu Dhabi     c)      White
X:      22121 uaefa em
F:      971-2/44 85 58                  F:      1971
L:      E                               A:      1972

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Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol             P:      MARESCA Carlos
Guayabo 1531                            V:      CAMPOMAR Jorge C., Dr.
11200 MONTEVIDEO                        S:      PAOLILLO Omar, Dr.
                                        T:      VALDEZ Mortimer

                                        a)      Sky Blue w. white collar/cuffs
T:      59-82/40 71 01/06               b)      Blue with white borders
C:      Football Montevideo             c)      Sky Blue with white tops
X:      auf uy 22607
F:      59-82/40 78 73                  F:      1900
L:      S,E,F                           A:      1923

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United States

US Soccer                               P:      ROTHENBERG Alan I.
U.S. Soccer House                       V:      MONACO Larry
1801-1811 S. Prairie Ave.               S:      STEINBRECHER Hank
CHICAGO, IL 60616                       T:      GOAZIOU Bill

                                        a)      White
T:      1-312/808 1300                  b)      White
C:      -                               c)      White
X:      450024 us soccer fed
F:      1-312/808 1301                  F:      1913
L:      E,S,F                           A:      1913
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Uzbekistan Football Federation          P:      ALMATOV Zakirjon
Massiv Almazar                          V:      PARPIEV Kudrat
Furkat Street 15/1                      S:      LUBUSHIN Valeriy
700003 TASHKENT                         T:      BOTZU Alla

                                        a)      Blue
T:      3712/45 95 97                   b)      White
C:      -                               c)      Green
X:      116108 ptb su
F:      3712/45 49 48                   F:      1946
L:      E                               A:      1994

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Vanuatu Football Federation             P:      TINSLEY LULU Johnny
P.O. Box 266                            V:      JACOBE Joseph
PORT VILA                               S:      TRONQUE Jack
                                        T:      TAGA Searge

                                        a)      Gold/Black
T:      678/22 252                      b)      Black
C:      Futbol Blong Vanuatu            c)      Gold/Black
X:      -
F:      678/26 404                      F:      1934
L:      F,E                             A:      1988

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Federación Venezolana de         P:      ESQUIVEL MELO Rafael
Fútbol                                   V:      CASTILLO Alberto
Avda Este Estadio Nacional              S:      BOUTUREIRA Serafin
El Paraiso Apdo. Postal 14160           T:      GALLO Angelo
                                        a)      Dark Red
T:      58-2/461 7870                   b)      White
C:      Fevefutbol Caracas              c)      White with black border
X:      26 140 fvfcs vc
F:      58-2/461 80 10                  F:      1926
L:      S                               A:      1952

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Vietnam SR

Vietnam Football Federation             P:      DOAN VAN XE
36, Tran-Phu Lane                       V:      NGUYEN SI HIEN
HANOI                                   S:      TRAN BAY
                                        T:      NGUYEN TAN MINH

                                        a)      Red
T:      84-2/52 480                     b)      Red
C:      AFBVN, 36, Tran-Phu Hanoi       c)      Red
X:      -
F:      84-42/32 455                    F:      1962
L:      E,F,D                           A:      1964

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The Footb. Assn of Wales, Ltd           P:      FEAR Brian
Plymouth Chambers                       V:      HUGHES John O.
3 Westgate Street                       S:      COLLINS David George
GB- CARDIFF - S. Glamorgan CF1 1DD      T:      EVANS Tegwyn

                                        a)      Red
T:      44-1222/37 23 25                b)      Red
C:      Welsoccer Cardiff               c)      Red
X:      497363 faw g
F:      44-1222/34 39 61                F:      1876
L:      E                               A:      1910

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Western Samoa

Western Samoa Football                  P:      ROEBECK Tautulu
(Soccer) Association                    V:      TAULOA Lui
P.O. Box 960                            S:      GODINET Jacinta P.
APIA                                    T:      SIOSIFA Uliafa Vaka

                                        a)      Royal Blue
T:      685/22 822                      b)      White
C:      -                               c)      Royal Blue and White
X:      233 treasury sx
F:      685/21 312                      F:      1968
L:      E                               A:      1986

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Yemen Football Association              P:      ALI AHMED AL-ASHWAL
P.O. Box 908                            V:      ABDULLA MUJAHID ABDULLA
SANA'A                                  S:      ABDULLAH ALI AL-MUTAA
                                        T:      BAKER ALI BAKER

                                        a)      Green
T:      967-1/21 57 20                  b)      Green
C:      Sana'a Football                 c)      Green
X:      2710 youth ye
F:      967-1/26 31 82                  F:      1962
L:      E                               A:      1980

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Yugoslav Football Association           P:      MILJANIC Miljan
35, Terazije, P.O. Box 263              V:      MARAVIC Dusan
YU-11000 BEOGRAD                        S:      BULATOVIC Branko
                                        T:      -

                                        a)      Blue
T:      381-11/33 42 53                 b)      White
C:      Jugofudbal Belgrade             c)      Red
X:      11666 fsj yu
F:      381-11/33 34 33                 F:      1919
L:      E,F                             A:      1919

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Fédération Zaïroise de                       P:      MOUAMBA Mounanga
Football-Association                    V:      BWANANDIKE Kyasence
P.O. Box 1284, Av. de                   S:      MATOPE Kibili
l'Enseignem. 210, Z/Kasa-Vubu           T:      CHIHYOKA BASHIGE Jean-Claude
                                        a)      Green
T:      -                               b)      Yellow
C:      FEZAFA Kinshasa                 c)      Red
X:      -
F:      87-11/50 65 55                  F:      1919
L:      F                               A:      1962

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Football Association of Zambia          P:      SIMATAA Simataa
P.O. Box 34751                          V:      CHITI Michael
LUSAKA                                  S:      CHILUBA Julio Z.B.
                                        T:      KASONKA Musa (JH)

                                        a)      Copper/Black/Copper
T:      260-1/22 11 45                  b)      Green
C:      Football Lusaka                 c)      Red
X:      -
F:      260-1/22 50 46                  F:      1929
L:      E                               A:      1964

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Zimbabwe Football Association           P:      MUGABE L.
P.O. Box CY 114                         V:      MUHLWA R.
Causeway                                S:      HWATA P.
HARARE                                  T:      JAVANGWE W.

                                        a)      Green
T:      263-4/223 942                   b)      Gold
C:      Soccer Harare                   c)      Green/Gold
X:      22299 soccer zw
F:      263-4/224 076                   F:      1965
L:      E                               A:      1965

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