First published in August 1993 by FIFA and The Coca-Cola Company, the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking has since provided a monthly status list of all active senior national teams throughout the world. Currently, the ranking includes some 180 teams (191 national associations are affiliated to FIFA).
The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking evaluates all matches played by senior national teams, i.e. it covers neither youth nor women's nor any other national representative selections. Thus, the ranking is based upon the results of
The initial status of the teams in the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking was based upon the results achieved between 1985 and 1992.
The calculation of a team's points from a certain match is based on the following five criteria (for details see Basic Considerations):
Normally, if a strong team plays repeatedly against obviously weaker teams, the stronger will continually win and the weaker continually lose. The former would stay at the top of the Ranking, the latter at the bottom. But this would not be a true reflection of these teams' real ability or progress.
Therefore, it was considered essential to assess the various criteria involved in the pairing of two teams and the outcome of the match between the two teams.
For example, in matches between teams of different strenghts, points could be awarded as in the following table (team A is the strongest, team D is the weakest):
A v. D (large difference in teams' strengths):
if A wins then A:+1.00 and D:+1.00
if Draw then A:0 and D:+2.00
if D wins then A:-1.00 and D:+3.00
B v. C (little difference in teams' strengths):
if B wins then B:+1.90 and C:+0.10
if Draw then B:+0.90 and C:+1.10
if C wins then B:-0.10 and C:+2.10
A1 v. A2 (teams of equal strength):
if A1 wins then A1:+2.00 and A2:0
if Draw then A1:+1.00 and A2:+1.00.
* friendly match x 1.00 * continental championship preliminary match x 1.10 * continental championship finals match x 1.25 * World Cup preliminary match x 1.25 * World Cup finals match x 1.50
* Europe x 1.00 * CONMEBOL x 1.00 * Africa x 0.95 * CONCACAF x 0.90 * Asia x 0.90 * Oceania x 0.85
The points recorded in the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking are the sum total of the five criteria mentioned above (a to e). If the sum total for a team (for a given match or in the overall standings) is negative, then this negative points total is recorded as 0.00.
For complete objectivity, two other vital criteria must also be applied when calculating the overall ranking over a given period of time:
A special key has been formulated to evaluate the results achieved in the ranking period. This is based upon a combination of
- the total of the best eight results in the period
- the total of the results of all matches in the period.
Thus, in the case of a team playing 12 matches in the ranking period, the calculation is as follows:
In the case of teams which play fewer than eight matches in the period, only the actual results of the matches played are evaluated.
To ensure that the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking always reflects the current status, FIFA evaluates primarily matches played in the 12 months prior to the date on which it is issued.
Performance over the previous years is also taken into account, however. Basically, the score obtained from the current 12 months is added to that of the immediately foregoing five years with each previous year being devalued continually.
Thus, at the end of a given year, the calculation is based upon the following components:
Last 12 months (e.g. 1997) : 6/6 value
+ previous year (1996) : 5/6 value
+ previous year (1995) : 4/6 value
+ previous year (1994) : 3/6 value
+ previous year (1993) : 2/6 value
+ previous year (1992) : 1/6 value
In this way, all older results are gradually eliminated from the calculation. Newly emerging associations are evaluated on the value of the results achieved so far.
The team topping the final ranking list of the year is designated TOP TEAM OF THE YEAR.
The designation BEST MOVER OF THE YEAR is awarded by multiplying of points attained at the end of a given year (e.g. 1997) by the net number of points gained since the end of the previous year (in this case 1996).