It is necessary to impose certain constructional requirements for the game of football. Therefore, testing and values for slope, evenness and base permeability have been determined.
The slope of the field should not be excessive or the ball will be unduly influenced. The surface should have a degree of evenness to allow the ball to roll over the surface without affecting its trajectory or causing the ball to bobble on the surface. There are two evenness requirements: one to cover the macro evenness of the field and the other to prevent small steps in the surface, sometimes observed for example on the seams of a synthetic carpet. The base needs to be permeable to allow the water to freely drain through the carpet. After the pitch has been installed and the construction requirements have been fulfilled the player/surface interaction tests and the ball/surface interaction tests are carried out by a selected test institute. 2. Player / Surface Interaction Tests Please see the section Laboratory Tests for a description of the test methods and values. 3. Ball / Surface Interaction Tests Please see the section Laboratory Tests for a description of the test methods and values.