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Extraordinary FIFA Congress ratifies resolution agains racism

The Extraordinary Congress of FIFA, meeting in Buenos Aires on 7 July 2001, ratified the Resolution to fight racism approved on the day before by the FIFA Conference against racism.

The limitations of the football family to fully overcome a phenomenon whose origin is both historic and social was fully acknowledged. Football, given its global reach, power and influence has a duty to act in a responsible and progressive manner.


The Extraordinary Congress of FIFA, meeting in Buenos Aires on 7 July 2001, according to the Statutes of FIFA, and representing all National Associations and Continental Confederations united in football's world governing body,

having considered the term "racism" in the current context to apply primarily to acts of discrimination based above all, but not exclusively, upon differences between human individuals on the basis of skin colour and ethnic origin

having noted with deep concern the current infiltration of racist elements into football stadiums and other activities connected with football

having analysed the worthy efforts taken to combat this unwelcome trend by football administration at various levels (clubs, leagues, national associations, etc.) and by non-governmental organisations in the fight against racism

having reiterated the constant need within football and in the community at large for programmes aimed at educating people of all ages and of all social classes (but especially children and young people) about the evils of racism and the benefits of social inclusion

having acknowledged the need for football administrators and groups to co-operate with governmental authorities at all levels, the police and other civil authorities, educational bodies and others, to take action that is appropriate, forceful and effective,

the Extraordinary Congress, following the declaration against racism adopted by the FIFA Executive Committee in March 2000, and following the FIFA Conference Against Racism in Football held in Buenos Aires on 6 July 2001,

requires all persons involved directly or indirectly with the sport of football at all levels and in all countries to join a concerted action to exchange information and experiences in order to combat effectively and conclusively all manifestations of racism within the game, by denouncing and sanctioning all persons indulging in racism in any form

calls upon all governments and civil authorities at all levels to co-operate fully with the game's authorities and to give unqualified support to these efforts

requires football authorities to give greater support to social groupings in introducing educational programmes and establishing a dialogue with known racism offenders for a better understanding of their motives

requires all organisers of football matches to impose regulations that refuse admission to football grounds to any persons indulging in, or suspected of intending to indulge in acts of racism or related violence, and to ban all articles that convey any message of a racist content in words or in symbols

requires competition organisers to appoint observers for sensitive matches in order to monitor and report manifestations of racism in any form

requires stadium stewards to co-operate with police forces to act swiftly and decisively to apprehend and to eject immediately any persons violating such regulations

requires match organisers to take the necessary effective measures to ban any such offenders from attending further matches

requires football fans to support organisers and civil authorities in identifying and removing racist elements from spectator areas

requires clubs to foster a spirit of social inclusion among players by ensuring that they treat team-mates, opponents, referees, officials, spectators and all other persons, whether connected with the game or not, with respect and without discrimination as to their ethnic origin

requires team coaches and club officials to impose effective punishments upon players in their charge who indulge in or condone any form of racist behaviour, either on the field of play or in their public or private lives

requires all football bodies at all levels to ensure racial equality in the employment, appointment and election of individuals in all areas of activity and to work with ethnic groups to involve them more closely in football activities

requires referees to be more vigilant with regard to gestures or verbal offences of a racist nature between players and/or coaches and/or the public, and to take immediate action to punish offenders and to report such incidents clearly and fully

requires the media to strongly condemn all acts of racist behaviour or declarations by any persons or groups, and to refrain from reporting such behaviour or declarations in a manner that may serve to provoke confrontation, and calls upon football websites (including those of clubs and national associations) to incorporate prominent anti-racism messages on their home-pages

requires all members of the worldwide football community to take every opportunity to maximise the social impact of football to encourage social inclusion and the elimination of racism in society

requires all Confederations to monitor all activities relating to the fight against racism in football and to report regularly to the FIFA Executive Committee.

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