2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan
 Copa Mundial de FIFA"
 Competición final
 Reglas del Juego
 Juegos "A"
 Mundiales: 1930-1998
 Competiciones finales
 Participaciones por país
 Estadísiticas mundiales

  Participaciones en Competición Preliminar de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA"

País  Afiliación  1era Entrada  Entradas  Competiciones  Observaciones
Afghanistan 1948  -  -  - Has not entered any preliminary competition yet.
Albania 1932 1966 9 1966-1974, 1982-2002 Entry 1970 not accepted.
Algeria 1963 1966 10 1966-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
American Samoa 1998 2002 1  2002 -
Andorra 1996 2002 1  2002 -
Angola 1980 1986 5 1986-2002 -
Anguilla 1996 2002 1  2002 -
Antigua and Barbuda 1970 1974 6 1974, 1986-2002 -
Argentina 1912 1930 16 1930-38, 1950, 1958-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Entered 1934/38/50, but qualified by default in 1934 (withdrawal Chile) and withdrew from the 1938 and 1950 qualifiers without playing a single match. Did not enter 1954. Qualified automatically for 1978 (hosts) and 1982, 1990 (defending champions).
Armenia 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Aruba 1988 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Australia 1963 1966 10 1966-2002 -
Austria 1905 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1950-1958, 1966-2002 Qualified for 1938, but had to pull out following the annexation by Germany. Withdrew from the 1950 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Azerbaijan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Bahamas 1968 1998 2 1998, 2002 Withdrew from the 1998 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Bahrain 1966 1978 7 1978-2002 Withdrew from the 1990 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Bangladesh 1974 1986 5 1986-2002 -
Barbados 1968 1978 5 1978, 1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1986 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Belarus 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Belgium 1904 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Withdrew from the 1950 qualifiers without playing a single match. Having been eliminated in the 1958 preliminary competition, Belgium declined a second chance to qualify by playing Israel.
Belize 1986 1990 3 1990, 1998, 2002 Entry 1990 not accepted.
Benin 1962 1974 4 1974, 1986, 1994, 2002 Entered 1974 under the name of Dahomey.
Bermudas 1962 1970 4 1970, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1998 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Bolivia 1926 1930 15 1930, 1950-2002 Entry 1954 not accepted. Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Qualified with Chile from their group in 1950 when Argentina withdrew. Bolivia and Chile did play two matches but these were not classified as official World Cup qualifiers. Bolivia's first straight qualification was the one for 1994.
Bosnia-Herzegovina 1996 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Botswana 1976 1994 2 1994, 2002 -
Brazil 1923 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Qualified from their group in 1934/38 by default (withdrawal Peru in 1934, withdrawal Argentina in 1938). Qualified automatically for 1950 (hosts) and 1962, 1966, 1974, 1998 (defending champions).
British Virgin Islands 1996 2002 1  2002 -
Brunei Darussalam 1969 1986 2 1986, 2002 -
Bulgaria 1924 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 -
Burkina Faso 1964 1978 5 1978, 1990-2002 Entered 1978 under the name of Upper Volta. Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Burundi 1972 1994 3 1994-2002 Withdrew from 1998 due to civil war and from 2002 before the preliminary draw.
Cambodia 1953 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Cameroon 1962 1966 10 1966-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Canada 1912 1958 11 1958, 1962, 1970-2002 -
Cape Verde Islands 1986 2002 1  2002 -
Cayman Islands 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Central African Republic 1963 1978 3 1978, 1982, 2002 Withdrew from the 1978 qualifiers without playing a single match. Excluded from 1982 for not paying the entry fee.
Chad 1988 2002 1  2002 -
Chile 1912 1930 15 1930, 1934, 1950-1990, 1998, 2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Qualified from their group in 1934, and in 1950 with Bolivia, both times following Argentina’s withdrawal. Chile and Bolivia did play two matches, but these were not classified as official World Cup qualifiers. Qualified automatically for 1962 (hosts).
China PR 1931 1958 7 1958, 1982-2002 -
Chinese Taipei 1954 1954 9 1954, 1958, 1978-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1954 and 1958 without playing a single match.
Colombia 1936 1938 13 1938, 1958-2002 Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Congo 1962 1966 6 1966, 1974, 1978, 1994-2002 Entered in 1966 under the name of French Congo but was not accepted. When Zaire became the Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo DR) in 1997, Congo was in some contexts referred to again as Congo Brazzaville.
Congo DR 1962 1970 8 1970-82, 1990-2002 The successor of the former Zaire under which name the country had entered the qualifying games for 1970-1982 and 1990-1998 (entry 1970 not accepted). Qualified for the final round in 1974. Became the Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo DR) in 1997.
Cook Islands 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Costa Rica 1921 1938 14 1938, 1954-2002 Entry 1954 not accepted. Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Cote d'Ivoire 1960 1974 7 1974, 1978, 1986-2002 -
Croatia 1941/92 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Cuba 1932 1934 12 1934, 1938, 1950, 1954, 1966, 1970, 1978, 1982, 1990-2002 Entries 1954/70 not accepted. Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match. Qualified for 1938 by default (opponents withdrew).
Cyprus 1948 1958 12 1958-2002 Withdrew from the 1958 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Czech Republic 1907/94 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 First entered as Czech Republic in 1998. One of the two successors of the former successors of the former Czechoslovakia who had entered in 1934, 1938 and 1954-1994. For 1994, Czechoslovakia had entered and begun playing as one country. After the split into Czech Republic and a Slovakia (on 1.1.1993), the politically separated countries still fielded a joint team, the RCS (Representation of Czechs and Slovaks), for the remaining qualifying matches.
Denmark 1904 1958 11 1958, 1966-2002 -
Djibouti 1994 2002 1  2002 -
Dominica 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Dominican Republic 1958 1978 4 1978, 1994-2002 -
Ecuador 1926 1950 12 1950, 1962-2002 Withdrew from the 1950 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Egypt 1923 1934 14 1934, 1938, 1954-1966, 1974-2002 Entered for 1962 and 1966 as United Arab Republic (UAR). Qualified for the final competition in 1934 without playing a single match. Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1938 and 1958-1966.
El Salvador 1938 1938 10 1938, 1970-2002 Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match.
England 1905 1950 14 1950-2002 Qualified automatically for 1966 (hosts) and 1970 (defending champions).
Equatorial Guinea 1986 2002 1  2002 -
Eritrea 1998 2002 1  2002 -
Estonia 1923/92 1934 5 1934, 1938, 1994-2002 -
Ethiopia 1953 1958 10 1958-1986, 1994, 2002 Entry 1958 not accepted. Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Faroe Islands 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Fiji 1963 1982 5 1982, 1990-2002 -
Finland 1908 1938 15 1938, 1950-2002 -
France 1904 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Having been eliminated in the 1950 qualifiers, France declined to fill Scotland's spot which had qualified but withdrawn. Qualified automatically for 1938 and 1998 (hosts).
Gabon 1963 1966 5 1966, 1974, 1990-1998 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Gambia 1966 1982 5 1982, 1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1994 without playing a single match.
Georgia 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Germany 1904 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 Qualified automatically for 1974 (hosts) and 1958, 1978, 1994 (title-holders). From 1954 to 1990, West Germany continued the record of the pre-war Germany with East Germany entering independently from 1958-1990. The reunified Germany continues the record of West Germany while that of East Germany closed in late 1990. In 1954, the Saar zone - for a short time autonomous - entered the qualifying competition.
Ghana 1958 1962 11 1962-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1966 and 1982 without playing a single match.
Greece 1927 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 Withdrew from the 1934 qualifiers after playing one match.
Grenada 1976 1982 4 1982, 1986, 1998, 2002 Withdrew from the 1986 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Guam 1996 2002 1 2002 Has not entered any preliminary competition yet.
Guatemala 1946 1958 12 1958-2002 Entry 1966 not accepted.
Guinea 1961 1966 10 1966-2002 Entry 1970 not accepted. Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match. Suspended from the 2002 competition.
Guinea-Bissau 1986 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Guyana 1968 1978 7 1978-2002 Suspended from the 2002 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Haiti 1933 1934 10 1934, 1954, 1970-1986, 1994-2002 -
Honduras 1951 1962 11 1962-2002 Withdrew from the 1978 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Hong Kong 1954 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Hungary 1906 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 -
Iceland 1947 1954 10 1954, 1958, 1974-2002 Entry 1954 not accepted.
India 1948 1950 8 1950, 1954, 1974, 1986, 1990-2002 Qualified for 1950 by default (opponents withdrew) but declined to participate following FIFA’s decision to forbid playing with bare feet. The first preliminary competition India played was in 1986. Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1974 and 1990 without playing a single match.
Indonesia 1952 1938 12 1938, 1950, 1958, 1962, 1974-2002 Entered in 1938 still under the name of Dutch East Indies and qualified for the final competition without playing a single match. The first actual preliminary competition played by Indonesia was 1958 as the association had withdrawn from the qualifiers for 1950 without playing a single match (again for 1962).
Iran 1945 1974 8 1974-2002 Withdrew from the 1982 qualifiers without playing a single match. Suspended from the 1986 competition.
Iraq 1950 1974 8 1974-2002 Withdrew from the 1978 qualifiers without playing a single match
Ireland Republic 1923 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Entered in 1934 and 1938 still under the name of Irish Free State.
Israel 1948 1950 14 1950-2002 A Jewish delegation from Palestine (then a British mandate) played at the qualifying games for 1934 and 1938. It was the first Jewish national team, and as such the forerunner of Israel.
Italy 1905 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Qualified automatically for 1990 (hosts) as well as for 1938 and 1986 (defending champions). As hosts only qualified automatically since 1938, Italy had to compete in the 1934 qualifiers.
Jamaica 1962 1966 9 1966-1978, 1986-2002 Withdrew from the 1974 and was suspended from the 1986 qualifiers both times without playing a single match.
Japan 1929 1938 12 1938, 1954, 1962, 1970-2002 Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match. Co-hosts 2002 with Korea Republic.
Jordan 1958 1986 5 1986-2002 -
Kazakhstan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Kenya 1960 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Korea DPR 1958 1966 8 1966-1994 Disqualified 1970 for refusing to play their assigned opponent (Israel). Withdrew from the 1978 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Korea Republic 1948 1954 13 1954-2002 Entry 1958 not accepted. Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match. Qualified automatically for 2002 (co-hosts with Japan).
Kuwait 1962 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Kyrgyzstan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Laos 1952 2002 1 2002 -
Latvia 1922/92 1938 3 1938, 1994-2002 -
Lebanon 1935 1986 4 1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1986 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Lesotho 1964 1974 5 1974, 1982-1990, 2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1986 and 1990 without playing a single match.
Liberia 1962 1966 7 1966, 1982-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1966 without playing a single match, and from those for 1994 after playing one match.
Libya 1963 1966 8 1966, 1970, 1978-1994, 2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1966 without playing a single match. Withdrew after qualifying for the second round for 1982 and 1990. Excluded from 1994.
Liechtenstein 1974 1994 3 1994-2002 Withdrew from 1994 before the preliminary draw.
Lithuania 1923/92 1934 5 1934, 1938, 1994-2002 -
Luxembourg 1910 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 -
Macao 1976 1982 5 1982, 1986, 1994-2002 -
Macedonia FYR 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Madagascar 1962 1974 6 1974, 1982, 1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1974 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Malawi 1967 1978 7 1978-2002 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Malaysia 1956 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Maldives 1986 1990 3 1990, 1998, 2002 Withdrew from the 1990 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Mali 1962 1966 4 1966, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1966, 1994 and 1998 without playing a single match. Mali has not yet played in a qualifying series.
Malta 1959 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Mauritania 1964 1978 4 1978, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Mauritius 1962 1974 6 1974, 1986-2002 Entry 1990 not accepted.
Mexico 1929 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition), first qualifying series in 1934. Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match. Disqualified from the 1990 qualifiers. Qualified automatically for 1970 and 1986 (hosts).
Moldova 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Mongolia 1998 2002 1 2002 -
Montserrat 1996 2002 1 2002 Has not entered any preliminary competition yet.
Morocco 1956 1962 11 1962-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Mozambique 1978 1982 5 1982, 1990-2002 Entry 1990 not accepted.
Myanmar 1957 1950 3 1950, 1994, 2002 Entered 1950 under the name of Burma. Withdrew from the qualifiers 1950, 1994 and 2002 without playing a single match.
Namibia 1992 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Nepal 1970 1986 4 1986, 1990, 1998, 2002 -
Netherlands 1904 1934 14 1934, 1938, 1958-2002 -
Netherlands Antilles 1932 1958 12 1958-2002 Entered 1958 under the name of Curaçao.
New Zealand 1948 1970 9 1970-2002 -
Nicaragua 1950 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Niger 1967 1978 5 1978-1986, 1994, 1998 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1986 and 1998 without playing a single match.
Nigeria 1959 1962 11 1962-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match. Disqualified from 1974.
Northern Ireland 1911 1950 14 1950-2002 -
Norway 1908 1938 14 1938, 1954-2002 -
Oman 1980 1986 5 1986-2002 Withdrew from the 1986 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Pakistan 1948 1990 4 1990-2002 -
Palestine 1998 2002 1 2002 The modern Palestine, an Arab state, has no connection with the two Jewish delegations that played in the qualifying games for 1934 and 1938 under the name Palestine (then a British mandate) and as such were the forerunners of Israel.
Panama 1938 1978 7 1978-2002 -
Papua New Guinea 1963 1998 1 1998 -
Paraguay 1921 1930 15 1930, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Qualified with Uruguay from their group in 1950 when Ecuador and Peru withdrew. Paraguay and Uruguay did play one match, but this was not an official World Cup qualifier.
Peru 1924 1930 16 1930, 1934, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Withdrew from the 1934/1954 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Philippines 1928 1950 5 1950, 1966, 1974, 1998, 2002 Withdrew from the 1950/1974 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Poland 1923 1934 15 1934, 1938, 1954-2002 Withdrew from the 1934 qualifiers after playing one match, and from those for 1954 without playing at all.
Portugal 1923 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Eliminated in the 1950 qualifiers, Portugal declined an offer of Turkey's vacancy (Turkey had qualified and then withdrawn).
Puerto Rico 1960 1974 6 1974, 1986-2002 -
Qatar 1970 1978 7 1978-2002 -
Romania 1930 1930 16 1930-1938, 1954-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition), first qualifying series in 1934. Withdrew from the 1962 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Russia 1912/92 1958 12 1958-2002 Entered 1958-1994 as USSR. Disqualified in 1974 for refusing to play the return leg of the play-off against Chile (political reasons). Entered the qualifiers for 1994 year-end of 1990. Disintegrated over 1990 and 1991 as its republics seceded one after another. Political end late December 1991, the Russian Federation proclaimed in 17.4.1992. First qualifying match (14.10.1992 vs. Iceland) played by Russia.
Rwanda 1976 1990 3 1990, 1998, 2002 Withdrew from the 1990 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Samoa 1986 1994 3 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
San Marino 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
São Tomé e Príncipe 1986 1994 2 1994, 2002 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Saudi Arabia 1959 1978 7 1978-2002 -
Scotland 1910 1950 14 1950-2002 Qualified for 1950, but declined to attend.
Senegal 1962 1966 9 1966-1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Seychelles 1986 2002 1 2002 -
Sierra Leone 1967 1974 7 1974-1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the 1994 qualifiers without playing a single match. In 1998 Sierra Leone got a second chance after Burundi had eliminated them when FIFA ruled that Sierra Leone would replace Burundi, who had been excluded due to civil war. Sierra Leone thus became the first team to be eliminated twice from the same qualifying series.
Singapore 1952 1978 7 1978-2002 -
Slovakia 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 First entered as Slovakia in 1998. One of the two successors of the former successors of the former Czechoslovakia who had entered in 1934, 1938 and 1954-1994. For 1994, Czechoslovakia had entered and begun playing as one country. After the split into Czech Republic and a Slovakia (on 1.1.1993), the politically separated countries still fielded a joint team, the RCS (Representation of Czechs and Slovaks), for the remaining qualifying matches.
Slovenia 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Solomon Islands 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Somalia 1960 1982 2 1982, 2002 -
South Africa 1992 1966 4 1966, 1994-2002 Excluded from 1966 and banned for violating the anti-discrimination charter. Readmitted 1992 after the government had repealed apartheid.
Spain 1904 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Entry 1938 not accepted. Qualified automatically for 1982 (hosts).
Sri Lanka 1950 1974 5 1974, 1978, 1994-2002 Entered 1974 under the name of Ceylon. Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1974 and 1978 without playing a single match (in 1978 because its government refused permission to pay the entry fee).
St. Kitts & Nevis 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
St. Lucia 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
St. Vincent/Grenadines 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Sudan 1948 1958 12 1958-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1958-1966, 1978 and 1994 without playing a single match.
Surinam 1929 1938 11 1938, 1962-1986, 1994-2002 Entered in 1938, 1962-1974 under the former name Dutch Guyana.
Swaziland 1976 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Sweden 1904 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Qualified automatically for 1958 (hosts).
Switzerland 1904 1934 16 1934, 1938, 1950-2002 Qualified automatically for 1954 (hosts).
Syria 1937 1950 11 1950, 1958, 1966, 1974-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1966 without playing a single match, and from those for 1950 after playing one match. Withdrew in 1978 after playing three matches.
Tahiti 1990 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Tajikistan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Tanzania 1964 1974 7 1974-1986, 1994-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1978 without playing a single match, and from those for 1994 after playing four matches.
Thailand 1925 1974 8 1974-2002 -
Togo 1962 1974 8 1974-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1986 and 1990 without playing a single match.
Tonga 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Trinidad and Tobago 1963 1966 10 1966-2002 -
Tunisia 1960 1962 11 1962-2002 Withdrew from the 1966 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Turkey 1923 1934 15 1934, 1950-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1934 and 1958 without playing a single match. Qualified for 1950, but declined to attend.
Turkmenistan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Turks and Caicos 1998 2002 1 2002 -
Uganda 1959 1978 7 1978-2002 Withdrew from the qualifiers for 1982 and 1994 without playing a single match.
Ukraine 1992 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
United Arab Emirates 1972 1978 6 1978, 1986-2002 Withdrew from the 1978 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Uruguay 1923 1930 15 1930, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition). Stayed away in 1934 and 1938 despite being defending champions. Qualified with Paraguay from their group in 1950 when Ecuador and Peru withdrew. Uruguay and Paraguay did play one match, but this was not an official World Cup qualifier. Qualified automatically for 1954 (defending champions).
US Virgin Islands 1998 2002 1 2002 -
USA 1913 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Withdrew from the 1938 qualifiers without playing a single match. Qualified automatically for 1994 (hosts).
Uzbekistan 1994 1998 2 1998, 2002 -
Vanuatu 1988 1994 3 1994-2002 -
Venezuela 1952 1958 11 1958, 1966-2002 Withdrew from 1958 qualifiers without playing a single match.
Vietnam SR 1964 1954 4 1954, 1994-2002 Entry 1954 not accepted. South Vietnam entered 1974 and 1978 independently.
Wales 1910 1950 14 1950-2002 When no opponents could be found for Israel in the 1958 Asian qualifiers, FIFA decided that Israel would have to meet one of the originally eliminated teams, to be decided by lottery. Wales won the draw after Belgium declined, and qualified by beating Israel twice. It was the first (and so far the only) time that a country played at a World Cup final round after having been eliminated in the regular qualifiers.
Yemen 1980 1994 3 1994, 1998, 2002 North and South Yemen entered 1986 and 1990 independently.
Yugoslavia 1919 1930 17 1930-1938, 1950-2002 Played in 1930 (no preliminary competition), first qualifying series in 1934. Reached the semi-finals 1930, but declined to play the match for third place (opponents USA). Excluded from 1994 due to the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Yugoslavia played in 1930 - and at the qualifiers for 1934 and 1938 - as the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro. The country became a federal republic in 1946, and played as such up to the World Cup in 1990. After the break-up, Yugoslavia reverted to Serbia and Montenegro.25.6.1991 Croatia and Slovenia declare independence. 22.11.1991 Macedonia declares independence. 3.3.1992 Bosnia-Herzegovina declares independence. 27.4.1992 The rump Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) is ratified.
Zambia 1964 1970 9 1970-2002 -
Zimbabwe 1965 1970 7 1970, 1982-2002 Entered 1970 under the name of Rhodesia.
2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan